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This beautiful and fruitful chilli comes from Bolivia. The plants grow 120 cm the first year. They have a compact, shrubby rise with a width of around 60 cm. The plant has to be tied to support. Otherwise, the stems will break under the weight of fruit. The petals have from brownish-yellow to green spots with yellow anthers, as with most Capsicum Baccatum. The rest of the petals are white. The first fruits ripen in late July.


Conical fruit with a characteristic nipple at the end has the stem diameter of 3 cm and 6 cm in length. The colour changes from green to orange-green and in full maturity it achieves a clear bright red colour. Peppers ripen on the plant in large quantities. The fruit is a juicy, crunchy, pleasantly sweet with the smell and taste of typical Baccat. The Scoville rating of the Aji Benito is 30,000, but may be more.


Almost everyone will thrive simple pepper cultivation. The plant must be tied to support. It grows well in a greenhouse, as well as outside, or on the sill of the window. Habitat should be in full sun.


This beautiful chilli excels flavours. Best suited for its juiciness, sweetness and aromatic pungency to sauces, ketchup and spicy pastes. In the kitchen, it can be used as vegetables in each meal. Aji Benito adds in salads, on sandwiches and under the meat. Also, it can be dried or treated into a sweet-sour pickle, or ferment with cucumbers, cabbage or other peppers. It even adds fermented kimchi distinctive spicy flavour.


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