Home-made lemonade, limo - healthy, cheap, attractive, refreshing, tasty ...
Blackberry lemonade In May, as always, it is typical to produce an elderflower syrup. bloom of black Elderflower Now In the summer heat,...

Garden Nasturtium – beauty from Peru
Garden Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) is an easy herb that attracts us when we are in every garden Tropaeolum has some of the tastiest and...

Blackberries - great gift of our nature
Who from us does not know black forest berries when we were young? We tore them with courage and caution. But anyway, we were pricked and...

It is already August and chili peppers mature....
They mature, and it is always a great joy to each grower, who tastes, sniffs and tests from each variety, especially when it is newly...

Is it fruit or vegetable?
For the orange balls of superfood Cape gooseberry flower (Physalis peruviana), it does not matter. They're so sweet, delicious,...

My favorite 17 kinds of Capsicum Baccatum
And again chillies - now in the form of Capsicum Baccatum. The Latin word bacca means berries. And so our peppers look chubby with...

Mých nejoblíbenějších 17 chilli – baccatum
A opět chilli papriky - nyní v podobě Capsicum Baccatum. Většina z nás neví, že si z latinské slovo bacca (bobule) čeština převzala, a...

Wood Betony for health
This modest, low-maintenance plant will brighten the whole garden by its color flowers. Butterflies, bees, bumblebees, beetles, ants and...

It is blooming, blooming...
When the plant creates many flowers, it means only. They are doing well and soon they will be mature, sweet, fragrant, spicy chili...

Fairytale cheesecake decorated with roses and sage flowers
My granddaughter had a birthday. What kind of cake would be a little Princess's wish? She likes the classic fairy tale creatures...