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Wild peppers grow only in America, from Argentina to the south-west the USA. Their Habitat includes mountain(600 - 3000 m  above sea level) rainforest tropical forests. The growth of the plant is shrubby, climbing and tree-like.

Fruits are slightly spicy and very spicy, round, oval and elongated, usually about the size of a pea. The taste is sweet and aromatic. The colour changes from green to yellow, orange and red in full maturity. Thank to many birds,  the seeds are spread to other areas through their droppings.


The description of the genus Capsicum is often questioned and  is still controversial even to this day.


Let's try to plant your wild pepper. The best way how to learn growing chilli peppers.



26 chromozomů

24 chromozomů

C. Lanceolatum
C. Rhomboideum

annuum komplex

Aji Charapita
C. Galapagoense
Florida Wild Bird
Madre De Rios
PI 593 491

baccatum komplex

C.. Praetermissum

eximium komplex

C. Eximium
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