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Rocots have matured – from this healthy vegetable, we can make a spicy sauce, ketchup and delicious

In my natural garden, I grow unique species Capsicum Pubescens (the entire plant is hairy) in many kinds (interested can write me a message for seeds).

On the photos, you will see one-year plants before collecting and fruits ready for processing into sauces, ketchup and stuffed peppers. Rocots are full of vitamins and belong to the juiciest, sweetest, very hot and very aromatic healthy vegetable with medicinal properties...

Rocoto San Isidro - it has exotic pale purple and white flower.

Rocoto San Isidro
Rocoto San Isidro

Mini Rocoto - is easy to grow. It has early ripening fruits.

Mini Rocoto
Mini Rocoto

Rocoto Ecuadorian Red - pepper is characterised by high fertility.

Rocoto Ecuadorian Red
Rocoto Ecuadorian Red

Rocoto Peron Rojo

Rocoto Peron Rojo

Rocoto Gelbe Riesen - one of the biggest Rocoto.

Rocoto Gelbe Riesen

Rocoto Red - excellent for filling and baking.

Rocoto Red

Rocoto CAP 363

Rocoto Aji Largo - small, oblong, very fruitful.

Rocoto Aji Largo
Rocoto Aji Largo

Rocoto Canario
Rocoto Canario
Rocoto Large Red
Rocoto Large Red

Orange Locoto - in Bolivia, locals call it Locoto.

Orange Locoto
Orange Locoto

Rocoto Montufar
Rocoto Montufar

Rocoto CAP 867 Red - the original red form

Rocoto CAP 867 Red
Rocoto CAP 867 Red

Rocoto CAP 867 Orange
Rocoto CAP 867 Orange

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